Solve pollution. Save lives. Protect the planet.

Pure Earth Celebrates Twenty-Five Years of Solving Pollution

Pure Earth Celebrates Twenty-Five Years of Solving Pollution

Jun 04 , 2024

Pure Earth Celebrates Twenty-Five Years of Solving Pollution Join us in taking a look at where we’ve been, and where we’re headed A lot has changed since Australian environmental engineer Richard Fuller founded Pure Earth in 1999, then called Blacksmith.

Meet The Maqques: A Family Of Gold Miners Going Mercury Free So They Can Work Together Safely

Meet The Maqques: A Family Of Gold Miners Going Mercury Free So They Can Work Together Safely

Sep 22 , 2017

Earlier this year, Pure Earth launched an ambitious project in Peru, supported by Brilliant Earth, a global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry.  The goal: to transform the Chichiqueros artisanal gold mining community into a mercury-free model.  The Chichiqueros work in an area.


In Photos: Teaching Artisanal Gold Miners To Extract Gold Without Mercury

May 01 , 2016

Meet Filipino gold miners Leoncio Na-Oy (pictured below, right) and Rudy Onos. Over the past few years, Pure Earth has been working with Leoncio and Rudy to test and teach a century-old, traditional method of mercury-free gold mining Leoncio rediscovered in his.


Pure Earth Pure Gold Benefit Sparks Golden Opportunity To Fight Mercury Poisoning

Apr 26 , 2016

[caption id="attachment_16027" align="alignnone" width="300"] Actor Shiloh Fernandez with Caroline Dweck of Stephen Dweck.[/caption] Do you know where the gold in your jewelry comes from? Following the success of our recent Pure Earth Pure Gold Benefit Bash, we think many more people.


(VIDEO) In Their Backyards, Indonesian Gold Miners May Have Found Key To Reducing Mercury Emissions

Jun 09 , 2015

Read the story on Medium. In Manado, at the picturesque tip of North Sulewesi in remote Indonesia, local artisanal gold miners may have found, in their backyards, the key to reducing mercury emissions.  Across Indonesia, you can see roofs of houses.


Mercury, Mining and Mongolian Ninjas

Mar 07 , 2014

This week’s post comes from Andrew McCartor, Blacksmith’s program director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, who was recently in Mongolia.   There is no preparing for the Mongolian winter. When I stepped onto the tarmac in the capital city.


Helping Countries Abide By Minamata

Oct 25 , 2013

Earlier this month, Pure Earth was with the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) in Minamata, Japan, to witness the landmark signing of the first international treaty to curb mercury pollution, and to help countries abide by the agreement. To.


Filipino Gold Miner’s Mercury-Free Revolution

Mar 04 , 2012

A movement is taking root in the small province of Benguet in the Philippines that might just revolutionize the artisanal gold mining industry and greatly reduce worldwide toxic mercury emissions. Gold miners there are rediscovering a century-old method of gold.
