About Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia
Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia (PE Indonesia) is a not-for-profit environmental health organization established with a focus on mitigating the impact of toxic pollution on the environment and human health. PE Indonesia realizes this goal by providing support to the Government of Indonesia through approaches that combine research, technical intervention, policy recommendations, public education and capacity building.
Learn more about pollution issues in Indonesia.
Lead exposure is a significant environmental health threat to children in Indonesia. It is estimated that more than 36 million children (age 0 – 14 years) in the country have blood lead levels (BLLs) of more than 5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL), a level which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) requires exposure source identification and appropriate interventions.
Lead exposure has a variety of severe and even fatal impacts, affecting nearly every organ and system in the body. The severity of these effects depends on the level and duration of exposure, with children being particularly vulnerable due to their developing bodies and nervous systems.
According to WHO, there is no known safe level of lead exposure. Even relatively low levels of lead exposure have been shown to damage children’s health and impair their cognitive development.
But what is lead, where could we find it, how are we exposed to it, and why is it so dangerous?
Paparan timbal merupakan ancaman kesehatan yang serius bagi anak-anak di Indonesia. Diperkirakan lebih dari 36 juta anak (usia 0 – 14 tahun) di negara ini memiliki kadar timbal darah (KTD) lebih dari 5 mikrogram per desiliter (µg/dL), suatu tingkat yang menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memerlukan adanya upaya identifikasi sumber paparan dan intervensi yang tepat.
Paparan timbal menimbulkan berbagai dampak buruk dan bahkan fatal, mempengaruhi hampir setiap organ dan sistem dalam tubuh. Tingkat keparahan dampak ini tergantung pada tingkat dan durasi paparan. Anak-anak menjadi kelompok yang sangat rentan terhadap paparan ini karena tubuh dan sistem saraf mereka yang masih berkembang.
Menurut WHO, tidak ada kadar timbal darah yang aman. Bahkan tingkat paparan timbal yang relatif rendah bisa menyerang kesehatan anak-anak dan merusak perkembangan kognitif mereka.
Lalu, apa itu timbal, di mana kita bisa menemukannya, bagaimana kita bisa terpapar, dan kenapa timbal begitu berbahaya?
Assisting the government with lead exposure crisis response
In Central Java, home-based lead-acid battery recycling without designated disposal sites left children playing in village slag piles and 88 per cent of people tested with elevated blood lead levels. In 2015, Pure Earth began identifying contaminated sites and their risks. In 2018, the first cleanup was undertaken in a village school yard and further government remediation plans are underway.
Programmatic Solutions
- Workshop on Lead Control in Indonesia held by the Indonesia Ministry of Environment & Forestry and Yayasan Pure Earth Indonesia on Oct 3rd, 2024 (initiation of Lead Working Group Formation was announced)
- The 12th Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Environment, Technical Side Event : Lead Pollution and Mitigation (ADB, USAID, Ministry of Environment of Japan, Pure Earth, World Bank Group, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia) on Sept 25, 2024
- Media Gathering (Expert Discussion) on the Prevention of Health Impacts of Environmental Lead Exposure hosted by OEHRC IMERI FKUI (University of Indonesia) and Pure Earth Indonesia on Jan 10, 2024
- Seminar (Control of the Health Impacts of Lead Exposure) hosted by OEHRC IMERI FKUI (University of Indonesia) and Pure Earth Indonesia on Jan 23, 2024
Educational Materials
- Stakeholders Roles Infographic-2
- Blood Lead Level (BLL) Study Result Infographic, 2023 – UI and Pure Earth (PE) Indonesia
- Lead Fact Sheet 2023
- Height Chart 2023
- HPAP: Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health- Indonesia Summary
Video of gold miners in Indonesia – Mercury: The Burning Issue
- Height chart used by children in the community to promote growing up healthy and mercury-free
- Brochure made by Pure Earth’s partner YTS on the dangers of gold mining with mercury
Blog Posts
Read stories about our work in Indonesia:
- Muchtar Mawardi and His Legacy for a Lead-Free Tegal Regency (January 2025)
- Indonesia Kicks Off the First Phase of Blood Lead Surveillance Piloting (January 2025)
- Muchtar Mawardi dan Warisan untuk Kabupaten Tegal Bebas Timbal (December 2024)
- dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk: The Importance of Highlighting Occupational Diseases due to Heavy Metal Exposure, Including Lead (Pb) (October 2024)
- dr. Ade Mutiara, MKK, SpOk: Pentingnya Menyorot Penyakit Akibat Kerja (PAK) dari Paparan Logam Berat, Termasuk Timbal (Pb) (October 2024)
- Kolaborasi + Sinergi = Kunci : Program “Penguatan Sistem Kesehatan untuk Mengurangi Paparan Timbel” di Indonesia (July 2024)
- Collaboration + Synergy = The Key: “The Strengthening Health System to Reduce Lead Exposure” Program in Indonesia (July 2024)
- Kisah Pejuang Polusi Lingkungan dari Tegal : Umi Azizah (April 2024)
- Spotlight on Umi Azizah, Environmental Pollution Fighter from Tegal, Indonesia (April 2024)
- Spotlight on Indonesia: 5 Questions with Pure Earth Indonesia’s Country Director (July 2023)
- Breaking the Cycle of Extreme Lead Poisoning in Pesarean, Indonesia (May 2016)
- Notes From the Field: Testing a Playground, School, and Homes for Toxic Lead (Sept 2016)
- (VIDEO) Indonesian Gold Miners May Have Found a Key To Reducing Mercury Emissions (June 2015)
- Wishing for a Soccer Field That Does Not Poison (Aug 2013)
- Pollution Cleanup Gets Serious in Indonesia (July 2013)
- Indonesia Projects- Social Media Posts
News Coverage
The Dangers of Lead Metal Scouting Children’s Development and Health, UI (January 2024)
Waspada Keracunan Timbal Pada Anak, Orang Tua Wajib Tahu, Liputan6.com (January 2024)
Peneliti FKUI Ingatkan Bahaya Pajanan Timbal pada Anak, Tempo (January 2024)
Timbel Sebabkan Beragam Gangguan Kesehatan pada Anak, Ini Ciri-Cirinya, Republika (January 2024)
FKUI: Paparan Timbel pada Anak Sebabkan Gangguan Berbahaya, Kompas.com (January 2024)
FKUI Temukan Paparan Timbel Tinggi pada Anak-anak, Kompas.com (January 2024)
Tanda-tanda Anak Sudah Keracunan Timbel, Ortu Perlu Waspada! , Detik.com (January 2024)
FKUI Bikin Riset Kadar Timbal Darah pada Anak di Jawa, Hasilnya Mengkhawatirkan , Detik.com (January 2024)
FKUI: Timbel sebabkan beragam gangguan kesehatan pada anak, Antara News (January 2024)
FKUI kemukakan bahaya timbel mengancam anak-anak di Indonesia, Antara News (January 2024)
FKUI: Bahaya Timbal Mengancam Anak-Anak Di Indonesia, Valid News (January 2024)
Bahaya Timbel Ancam Anak-anak Indonesia, Jawa Pos (January 2024)
Kontaminasi Timbal Tingkat Tinggi Ditemukan pada Alat Makanan di Negara Berpenghasilan Rendah, Termasuk Indonesia, Liputan6.com (September 2023)
Kontaminasi Tinggi Timbal Ditemukan dalam Produk Peralatan Makan di Indonesia, Kumparan (September 2023)
Jangan Anggap Remeh, Racun Timbal Bisa Turunkan IQ Anak, BerandaSehat.id (September 2023)
Other News Coverage in Indonesia
Our Partners and Donors
Clarios Foundation
Global Alliance on Health and Pollution
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Environment and Forestry of The Republic of Indonesia
Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS)
Occupational and Environmental Health Research Center – Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute – Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (OEHRC IMERI FKUI) or Medical Faculty of University of Indonesia
Country Director
[email protected]
Program Manager
[email protected]
Program Officer
[email protected]
Communications Officer
[email protected]
Finance & Administration Officer
[email protected]
Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor