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Hidden Dangers: The Alarming Rise of Lead in Everyday Metal Food Ware

Hidden Dangers: The Alarming Rise of Lead in Everyday Metal Food Ware

Oct 09 , 2024

Hidden Dangers: The Alarming Rise of Lead in Everyday Metal Food Ware This post is written by Emershia Sharmine, Program Manager, Pure Earth Tamil Nadu and Bhaskar Raj , Program Officer, Pure Earth Tamil Nadu Pic 1: Shelves with metal cookware.


Alerting Local Researchers To Mexico’s National Lead Problem

May 26 , 2015

Mexico's 500-year old tradition of using toxic lead-glazes in pottery is a problem that continues to plague residents to this day. In our paper "Blood Lead Levels in Mexico and Pediatric Burden of Disease Implications,” published in the Annals of Global.


Focus on Research in Developing World: “We are missing the full picture”

Dec 17 , 2014

  Over the past few years, Blacksmith Institute for a Pure Earth has embarked on a broad effort to expand research and understanding about the issue of toxic pollution, especially its damaging impact in low and middle-income countries, where pollution is the.


Three Papers Published in Prestigious Journal

Dec 03 , 2014

[caption id="attachment_16171" align="alignnone" width="225"] Richard Fuller, Blacksmith Institute for a Pure Earth President with a Mexican potter[/caption] Our effort to expand research and understanding about toxic pollution continues this month with three papers published in the prestigious Annals of Global Health, formerly.


Roadmap For Pollution Cleanup in Latin America

Dec 17 , 2013

A new report provides a roadmap that can be used to accelerate pollution cleanup in Latin America.  With input from experts from seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay) and the U.S., the report examines environmental.


Top Ten List of Worst Polluted Places Generates Worldwide Attention, Triggers Renewed Focus on Global Problem

Dec 12 , 2013

The conversation about pollution just got louder. Since 2006, Blacksmith’s yearly reports have been instrumental in increasing public understanding of the health impacts posed by toxic pollution, and in some cases, have compelled cleanup work at pollution hotspots. This latest.


New List of Top Ten World’s Worst Polluted Sites Is Released

Nov 19 , 2013

A new report released this November updates the top ten list of world's worst polluted places previously identified in 2006 and 2007, removing sites that have made progress, and adding new sites. "Top Ten Toxic Threats in 2013: Cleanup, Progress and Ongoing Challenges" from.


The Poisoned Poor – Global Alliance Highlights Invisible Sufferers

Oct 25 , 2013

Who does toxic pollution affect the most? A global alliance has come together to issue the first comprehensive report of pollution's impact on this invisible demographic -- the poisoned poor. "The world’s poorest people routinely face the highest risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals due to their occupations,.


Guide To Lead Cleanup Now Available; First in Series of Global Remediation Guides

Oct 25 , 2013

The Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) has released a technical guide focused on the containment of lead, one of the world's worst pollutants. It is the first in a planned series of guides on best practices in global.

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