Complex problems require the involvement of many stakeholders to craft sustainable solutions. We bring together international organizations, government agencies, research and technical agencies as well as other NGOs.
International Organizations
- US Agency for International Development
- US Department of State
- European Commission
- Asian Development Bank
- Global Mercury Project
- International Institute for Environment and Development
- United Nations
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- World Bank
Government Agencies in
- Azerbaijan
- Armenia
- Colombia
- Peru
- Madagascar
- Bangladesh
- Mongolia
- Tajikistan
- Senegal
- Indonesia
- India
- Tanzania
- Ghana
- Vietnam
- Philippines
- Cambodia
- Mozambique
- Ukraine
- Kyrgyzstan
- Bolivia
- Uruguay
Academic and Technical Agencies
- Harvard University School of Public Health
- NYU College of Global Public Health
- Hunter College
- Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi
- Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Quality Environmental Solutions, Inc.
- Roux Associates, Inc.
- University of Idaho
- International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
- Stanford University
Non-Governmental Organizations
- Africa Clean
- AGENDA for the Environment
- ARE (Advocacy for Restoration of the Environment)
- Asociación Civil Labor, Peru
- Centre D’Appui Au Développement
- Centro Terra Viva – Estudos e Advocacia Ambiental
- China Chongqing Green Volunteers Union
- Concept Biotech
- Eco-Friend
- Ecogea (Center for Ecological and Civil Initiatives)
- EMT (Environmental Management Trust)
- EnLAW (Environmental Law for the Wants)
- EnviPro (Environmental Professionals Organization)
- Environmental Journalists Group
- Far Eastern Health Fund
- Greener Beijing Institute
- India Lead Zinc Development Association (ILZDA)
- Janhit Foundation
- KERF (Kabwe Environmental and Rehabilitation Foundation)
- LEAT (Lawyers Environmental Action Team)
- Map Ta Phut Hospital
- Mayak NGO
- Mechner Foundation
- Medical Waste Management Committee, Cambodia
- Msimbazi River Action Network
- Oriental Environmental Institute
- SEW (Sakhalin Environment Watch)
- Somalia Environment and Development Organization
- Volga Center for Environmental Health
- Yunnan Environmental Protection Bureau