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Indonesia (Kalimantan): Health and Pollution Action Plan

the details…
Oak Foundation, European Commission, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Project Partners

Yayasan Tibuhak Sinta (YTS), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Regional and Local Governments of Kalimantan

Pure Earth and the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) began the Health and Pollution Action Plan (HPAP) process in 2019 with regional and local government partners in Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The HPAP is a collaborative process that aims to help governments:

  • Identify, evaluate and prioritize the main existing contamination problems based on health impacts.
  • Establish pollution as a priority action within the agendas of the various sectors of government.
  • Define and promote specific interventions to reduce exposure to pollutants and the associated burden of disease.

In 2019, GAHP initiated the first provincial HPAP with the government of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.  Research for the HPAP was coordinated by the Bappedalitbang (Planning Board Agency, Development and Research Agency) of Central Kalimantan Province together with the Tambuhak Sinta Foundation (YTS). The HPAP was completed in 2020 and YTS and Bappedalitbang used the HPAP documents to advocate for prioritising pollution issues and develop a 5 year Regional Development Plan for 2020 – 2025.

The completed report can be found on the GAHP website.

The assessment and prioritization program and associated activities were made possible through financial support from the European Commission, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Oak Foundation.

Priority Issues

  1. Smoke pollution from forest and peat land fires
  2. Mercury from Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
  3. Pesticides from oil and palm plantations and agriculture

Update March 2024

Activities began in 2019 with the drafting of a Health and Pollution Action Plan (HPAP) and continued until the HPAP was included in the Regional Mid-Term Development Plan of Central Kalimantan Province : 2021 – 2026.

In 2022 – 2023, technical support was provided for the implementation of HPAP, which was prioritized in the drafting of the Regional Action Plan on Mercury Reduction and Eradication as well as community outreach about toxic pollution in Katingan and Gunung Mas Regencies. The final status in 2024 is the action plan in Katingan Regency has been legalized as a regent’s regulation, while the action plan in Gunung Mas Regency is still in the process of being legalized.

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